- Added the ability to deposit and withdraw money from Businesses.
- Added a series of new stats to replace Conjuration.
- Updated screenshot-basic so we can add photos to the phone and Twitter.
- Fixed a bug that would cause player food stores and ammunations to become corrupt.
- Raised the required amount of cops for banks to 4 from 3.
- Reinstated the framework for EMS.
- Fixed a bug in the phone that prevented you from seeing which contacts were available to call.
Luxcelent 2022 Mystery Box
- Luxercist, Mother of the Obliviverse Plushie
- +200 THP
- +5 Toughness
- +5 Regen
- +5 Shield Operation
- +5 PT
- Bek’ola The Great Devourer
- Use: Add a gigantic bonus to Damage:All
- Bek’ola, Savior of Reality
- Use: Add a gigantic bonus to XP: All
- Viktoria Gat, Trueborn Deity of Creation
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Maximum HP
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Mitigation
- Viola’s Void Armor
- 20% Damage Reduction
- 5% Damage
- 5% HP Regen
- Viola’s Murica Vest
- 5% Damage Reduction
- 20% Damage
- 5% HP Regen
- Viola’s Raven Armor
- 5% Damage Reduction
- 5% Damage Reduction
- 20% HP Regen
- Viktoria’s Pendant (Necklace)
- +8 Toughness
- Cannot use Mark Abilities while wearing.
- Viktoria Gat’s Los Santos Queenpin
- Use: Add a massive bonus to XP Bonus: Criminal
- Raven’s Diamond Loupe
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Loot: Vangelico’s Quality
- Dagon Altorum, the Forgotten
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Stealth: Concealment
- Luxercist’s Little Clompers
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Sprint Speed
- Viktoria’s Mutation Rage
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Weed Grow: Mutation Quality
- Viktoria’s Bonsai Training
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Weed Grow: Mutation Chance
- Gat Family Fertilizer Recipe
- Learn: Learn how to craft Gat Fertilizer
- Lexus’ Deadeye
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Damage: Revolver
- Tony Ricci’s Headband
- +4 Dumpster Diving
- Viola’s Void Forge
- +4 Smelting
- Replica Domus Earrings ( Viola’s Void Artifact Set Trinket 1)
- +4 Meth Connections
- Viktoria’s Gigantic Weed Jar
- Look at all this weed!
- Ford Bronco Keys
- Claim ownership of a Ford Bronco
- Duchess’ Bike Holster
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Damage: Shotgun
- Viktoria’s Chopshop Clipboard
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Pay Bonus: Illegal Salvage
- Violin’s Breaking & Entering Tool Set
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Loot: Store Quality
- Viola’s First Meth Recipe
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Production: Meth (set to conjuration: viola puddle
- The Only Waterproof Cowabunghole Joint
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Duration: Joints Buff
- Free Tony Poster
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Mindfreak: Prison
- Fuk Mii’s Legal Documentation
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Fine Reduction
- Dagon’s Soulshard
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Mining: Geode Chance (set to conjuration: geode)
- Replica Domus Necklace ( Viola’s Void Artifact Set Trinket 2)
- +3 Drug Dealing
- Replica Domus Garter ( Viola’s Void Artifact Set Trinket 3)
- +3 Weed Connections
- Replica Domus Ring ( Viola’s Void Artifact Set Rune Left)
- +3 Barter
- Replica Domus Bracelet ( Viola’s Void Artifact Set Rune Right)
- +3 Stealth
- Tony & Tyrone’s Bad Gang Signs
- +3 Dumpster Diving
- Aspect of Kore
- +3 Shield Operation
Set Bonus: 50% Chance for Sale to take double the Drugs and give 15% Bonus XP ( Only works on Drugs that require Cops Awake )
- Lexus’ Guide to Greatness Training Video
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: LEO
- Viktoria’s Survey Map
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Mining
- Duchess’ Grease Remover
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Mechanic
- Duchess’ Toolset
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Tinkering
- Viktoria’s Ingot Requirement List
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Smelting
- Viola’s Old Tire Iron
- Use: Add a large bonus to Loot: Illegal Salvage Rubber (previously Conjuration: Spare Tire)
- Lexus’ Closed Case Log
- Use: Add a large bonus to Forensics: Fingerprinting
- Luxercist’s Kiddie Pool Haircut
- Use: Add a large bonus to Stealth: Concealment
- Duchess’ Musty Thong
- +2 Shotgun
- Lexus and Guile Police Academy Grad Photo
- +2 LEO
- Tony’s bag of “Cooking” supplies
- +2 Meth Cooking
- Viola’s Talbotec Grinder
- +2 Weed Processing
- Gat Family Cue Cards
- +2 Negotiations
- Teen Titans Bloody Polaroid
- +2 Heists
- Forever Cherished Winnie the Pooh Hat
- +2 Robbery
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Tokyo Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Hacking
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline France Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Cooking
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Tahiti Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Fishing
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Liberty City Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to Damage: Combat Pistol
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Amsterdam Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Weed Deals
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Great wall of China Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to Fall Mitigation
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Roman Colosseum Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to Damage: Unarmed
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Gardens of Babylon Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to Speed: Weed Grow
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Las Adventuras Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Jewelcrafting
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Vice City Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Heist
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Japan Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Meth Deals
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Germany Post Card
- Use: Add a small bonus to XP Bonus: Gunsmithing
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Souvenir Dumbell
- +1 Physical Training
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Souvenir Beaker
- +1 Meth Cooking
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Souvenir Pickaxe
- +1 Mining
- Bek’ola’s Alternate Timeline Souvenir Fork
- +1 Jewelcrafting