The show never ends!

Crafting 2.0

  • This update will mark the implementation of the Crafting 2.0 system, a hybrid of the ancestral Crafting 0 and the Crafting 1.0 systems.
  • Smelting will be the first system to transfer over to the new Crafting UI and mechanics.
  • This update adds chance to duplicate output, and chance to save resources abilities to Smelting, which increase based on your skill level and
    any relevant stat bonuses.
  • Crafting is now an active ability rather than a drop off and leave it. You will go to the foundry (or use the portable forge) and do your crafting actively
    similar to processing weed.
  • Each crafting discipline will see their features rolled out over the course of the next few weeks in minor patches of this larger patch.

Quality of Life

  • A number of systems have been reworked to be eyetargets rather than distance checks which will dramatically improves server performance and smoothen
    the play experience across the board.
    • Mining is now a eyetarget activity.
    • Mining rewards have been rebalanced and increased to help better fuel the economy.
    • Hacking is now a eyetarget activity.
    • This adds an incredible amount of valid ATMs for hacking across the entire map.
    • Dropped items are now eyetargetted rather than distance checked.
    • This also cleaned up the way said items are displayed to the player.
  • Milkmart was moved to Sandy Shores and renamed to 24/7.
  • Added two additional convienence stores to Grapeseed and Paleto Bay.
  • Lux relocated the criminal underground to be a straight drive in instead of a teleport.
  • Elfen added 50+ new clothes for females.
  • Elfen added some new clothes for males.
  • Lux added and configured the following new interiors
    • La Mesa PD
    • Davis PD
    • Paleto Bay Bank
    • Tuners Interiors
    • Pink Cage Interiors
  • Lux set up additional Police Departments but they will not be active until after City of Night 2 mini event.
  • Nexus experience and Anima Rewards have been increased again and will remain so until the end of City of Night 2.0.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to continue succing the Nexus after a gravity fling.
  • The Shady Briefcase now works properly and will hold any single item stack.
  • Fixed a bug causing Mail Delivery to not properly take Delivery skill into account.
  • Fixed a bug preventing you from seeing your weed plots until you replanted on login.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes leave a nexus marooned with no one able to succ.
  • Fixed a bug allowing you to use eyetarget while in a vehicle to do things like mail pickup or dumpsters.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to duo mine and duplicate rewards.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to pick up items while in a vehicle.

Creepy Crawlee Emporium

  • Added the following boxes back to the Creepy Crawlee Emporium
    • Luxelent 2022
    • Luxelent 2021
    • Halloween Havoc 2021
    • Runic Mayhem
    • ISA Season 5