Genesis 2.0 – Prepatch 1 – Businesses 2.0

Genesis has been updated with the 2.0 Business System, featuring the new, awesome business tablet. All business features are now completed via the tablet.
Business Changes
- All business functions are handled via the in game business table (/business)
- Business employee slots are determined by the amount of properties you own, each property gives an additional amount of employees,
and can only have so many assigned to them - Access to properties is dictated by being assigned to the property in the business tablet. (Ammunations, Custom Shops, Car Dealerships, Shops)
- Hiring / Applying to jobs is located in the phone, in the “Job Center” app
- Job Pay is now set in the employee management interface
- Employees can each be assigned their own job title, and pay, rather than a uniform rank and pay for everyone
- Properties are now managed via the interface for funds withdraw
- Businesses now have privately owned shares of stock. These will be tradable when the Stock Market is added live to the phone app.
- Businesses have been spun out of the versecore script into their own script, and now have immediate reactive exports rather than events or core functions,
this will lead to an increase in speed while doing all business related tasks.
Car Dealership Changes
- Car Dealerships are now privately held businesses
- The Car Dealer whitelist is now dissolved, to work at a dealership you need to seek out the owners of PDM or Mosleys
- Every Car Dealer has their own individual list of vehicles, rather than one list for everyone
- Every Car Dealer’s list is determined by their Car Dealer and Import Diversification skills
- PDM and Mosleys both have a 10% rake and 5% city tax on all sales
Shop Changes
- Permutable Items can now be placed in Ammunations and other shops
- Cooking / Food Shops are now implemented at Up & Atom and Drusilla’s
- Pawn Shops are now implemented but not available to be purchased quite yet
- Ammunations now have shared inventories for the entire business that owns the Ammunation, rather than individual stock in each shop
- Law Enforcement now gives 3 HP / 3 THP per skill level.
- SRT now gives 3 HP / 3 THP per skill level.
- Autominer Operation skill’s effect has been increased
- Shield Operation skill has been added, it increases the effectiveness of THP Shields, THP Stats and skills that provide THP
Fixes / Misc Changes
- Food Experience Buff is now fixed
- The cooking crafting station has been moved to Up & Atom
- Legendary Wildcrate has been completely reworked with a loot list of 101 of the 113 existing legendaries and no failure vector
- Epic Wildcrate has been completely reworked with a loot list of the entire 171 epics and no failure vector
- Rare Wildcrate has been completely reworked with a loot list of all 247 rares and no failure vector
- Illegal Salvage’s cooldown and police requirement has been fixed
- Paychecks now happen on the hour, Police Pay and UBI have been increased from their old values
- Legendary Loot chance has been increased on the baseline
- Essence values on Legendary Loot have been lowered to fall in line with the increased Legendary Loot rate
- The kframe web browser overlay has been updated to be short range
- Towing has been fixed and is clear to use again
- Medical Kits can be purchased for Gold Coins at Talbot Industries
- Changelogs will now be posted on the Oblivion Entertainment website, rather than exclusively in Discord

Triple Triad is now Obliviverse: Cell Control
- Triple Triad collections have been wiped (this is the only time this will happen)
- Everyone currently has access to all old cards in advance of the debut of the new Cell Control – Native Set cards
- The first Cell Control set will be released at the end of the month, before the next pre-patch releases
- Triple Triad Season 2 will now be known as Cell Control – Season 1, it will still award a multitude of prizes
- CC Cards have been reworked in shape and scope, with standard characters being 1 star, stronger and more well known characters 2 stars,
well known and influential criminals and cops at 3 stars, incredibly powerful mortals / players being 4 stars and Deities / Storyline Villains / etc
coming in at 5 stars.

St. Patricks Revenge 2022 Lootbox
The St. Patricks Revenge lootbox has been added to the Creepee Crawlee Emporium! it features the following items:
- Me Lucky Charms Chris Meehan Plushie
- + 3 Toughness
+ 2 Luck
15% Increased Legendary Loot Chance
- + 3 Toughness
- Shamrock Cop Plushie
- + 3 Leo
+ 2 SRT
15% XP from Warrants Served
- + 3 Leo
- Pot O’ Gold
- Use: Add a gigantic bonus to Loot: Bank Billstrap Quality
- Luck O’ The Irish
- Use: Add a gigantic bonus to Loot: Legendary Chance
- Lucky Legendary Wildcrate
- Gives you 3 Legendary Wildcrate pulls.
- Boris King of Chop
- Use: Add a massive bonus to XP Bonus: Chop
- Criminal Underground Parking Token
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Conjuration: Gold Coin
- Kiss me I’m Irish T-shirt
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Luck
- Bank Breaching Guide
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Damage: Combat Shotgun
- Leprechauns Bounty
- Use: Add a massive bonus to Loot: Gold Bars
- Premium Lootbox Wildcrate
- Get 3 Random Boxes from last year
- Luck Anima
- +4 Luck
- The Marshmallow Reflector
- +4 Shield Operation
- AJ’s Bloody Hammer
- Gives Hammer
- Maverick Helicopter Keys
- Gives Maverick Keys
- Kismet’s Crystallized Favor
- 48hrs of Favor
- Monopoly Man figure
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Barter: Properties
- Seth Kyleson’ SOP Briefing
- Use: Add a huge bonus to XP: LEO
- Dexter Kray’s outstanding Warrant list
- Use: Add a huge bonus to Lennix’s Mercy
- Paul Rhodes’ enchanted tongs
- Use: Add a huge bonus to XP Bonus: Smelting
- Sumner Rae’s Arial mining map
- Use: Add a huge bonus to XP Bonus: Mining
- Rosco William’s paperwork stamper
- Use: Add a huge bonus to XP Bonus: Warrants
- Alestiar’s Reconstructed AI Core
- +3 Hacking
- Bro’ Connor’s Car List
- +3 Stealth
- Bear’s Autominer field repair guide
- +3 Autominer Skill
- Mira’s Car Catalog
- +3 Negotiations
- Gun Blueprint Wildcrate
- One Random Blueprint Shard.
- Golden Shamrock Necklace
- Use: Add a large bonus to Speed: Gemcutting
- Green Beer
- Use: Add a large bonus to Speed: Cooking
- Green Plastic Hat
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Hacking
- Shamrock Glasses
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Schwag
- Four Leaf Clover
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Stores
- Fake Ginger Beard
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Heist
- Bunch of Green Balloons
- Use: Add a large bonus to Loot: Package Heist
- Green Confetti
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Medical
- Thatcher’s Lost Pills
- Use: Add a large bonus to Forensics: Print Quality
- Atalanta’s Slang translator
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Solo LEO
- Golden Trowel
- Use: Add a large bonus to XP Bonus: Scavenging
- Hunting Lodge butcher guide
- Use: Add a large bonus to Hunting: Meat Chance
- Chop car Classification guide
- +2 Illegal Salvage
- Green Pickaxe
- +2 Mining
- White Snowflake Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Snow
- Blue Crystal Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Backstreet
- Purple Weed Leaf Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Primo
- Green Weed Leaf Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Normie
- Brown Weed Leaf Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Schwag
- Yellow Schoolbus Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Bus
- Black Bag Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Sanitation
- Pink Hook Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Towing
- Rainbow Car Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Taxi
- Brown Box Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Delivery
- Gray Crowbar Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Stores
- Gold Slim Jim Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Pay Bonus: Illegal Salvage
- Red Box Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Loot: Package Heist
- Orange Box Marshmallow
- Use: Add a medium bonus to Loot: Material Heist
Wow this is awesome I cant wait to overthrow Talbot